Preview Magazine in Cebu - Celebrating its 15th Anniversary

A week ago, I was invited to the 15th Anniversary of the Preview Magazine which was held at The Penthouse Cebu last October 16, 2010. It was a full packed celebration with people from the media, the elite, the higher class society and people from the show-business industry...where there to celebrate with the Preview Magazine's 15th Anniversary...and since it's their 15th year, everyone were obliged to wear something with crystal or with crystal ensembles on it.

Few hours before the party, I bought a plain black mask and put some crystals on it just to meet the dress code requirement. I was planning to wear a coat-and-tie for the said event; however, when I went home to prepare, I saw my cabinet EMPTY! The laundry shop still has not delivered my clothes...sigh. It was only me and my Barong Tagalog in my room...and I thought, since I was particularly known as Mr. Barong Tagalog, the Barong Tagalog dude or Mayor, why not stick to the statement...and so I did!
Preview Magazine in Cebu
This Barong Tagalog was actually given by a local designer from Dumaguete during Adventure Envoy where I was best in Evening Presence. See awards here.
Back to the 15th Anniversary of Preview Magazine, The Philippines' Best-Selling Fashion Magazine, it was a total BLAST! The people were fashionably amazing and the interior was outstanding! Too bad I never had my photo taken with my mask on.

Below are photos with Raymond Gutierrez and Tip Yap:
Raymond Gutierrez at Preview Magazine 15th AnniversaryTim Yap at Preview Magazine 15th AnniversaryThere were more artists at the event, but the place was just too crowded, especially that it was an open bar! Thanks for the great weekend Preview Magazine!

Follow them on Facebook here.

More photos to be uploaded soon!