Apples's iPhone5 will be an iWallet
If you're wondering what to expect from the iPhone 5, the next generation beyond new and improved antenna, so let me share some thoughts with you - the iPhone will be your wallet, house keys, your identity, the center of your mobile. At least that is what appears in the new Apple hiring Near Field Communications (NFC) Benjamin Vigier Expert. In one of my blogs here at the beginning, I talked about Apple's decision in the exploration of the NFC. The company has filed numerous patents related to devices using the technology as in his, and his subsequent hiring of a relative industry veteran NFC Vigier, plans are advancing rapidly.

iPhone5 is a Future Phone:
Apple already has patents based NFC for a plane ticket and the application of the boarding pass, concerts, entertainment and sports ticketing application, and a number of mobile payment services. The company also has patents with names of specific services, including iPay and iCoupons iBuy, Products + and Grab & Go. A patent in June 2009 revealed that Apple has developed a method for building Touch screen NFC antenna. (Provide effective tools for NFC technology may also be behind Apple's decision to develop technologies for the external antenna.)

I can imagine that this patent, the case of equality of location-based services and the iTunes music that could really give the user to listen to the music selection for any printer should be close - their lair, their bedroom, car, iPhone / iPod, offices, and in the background of public transport.Although if you have the ability to power Commuter every musical taste in a recommendation engine that production of the songs is more likely to enjoy all the means of transport. And finally, the risk of feeding thousands of songs U2 and Dido, who is likely that silence is golden.

Sppedy iPhone5:
The next generation iPhone is likely to see a processor developed by Apple based on ARM Cortex-A9 - or follow-up, code-named "Eagle." Faster and more efficient power of the chip in the heart of the iPhone 5 (IPAD and the future of the iPod touch), this chip has multiple cores with a maximum speed of up to 2 GHz With this type of intelligent horses combined with a focus low-power applications, Apple has the basic components required to implement new electronic sensors in future devices.